N头条>英语词典>lead story翻译和用法

lead story

英 [ˈliːd stɔːri]

美 [ˈliːd stɔːri]

n.  重要新闻; 头条新闻



    • 重要新闻;头条新闻
      the main or first item of news in a newspaper, magazine or news broadcast



      • a news story of major importance


        • That may lead to lower prices in the near term, but most analysts see Chinese demand as an overwhelmingly positive story for the metals markets in the medium and long term.
        • The intention here is to try to take Steve Jobs and not make him the lead of the story any more, to really try to refocus the investment community and Apple customers on the products and the expanding group of executives.
        • The rhythm and the melody not only complement the film but also lead the performances of the actors and the development of the story, without being overly used.
        • Also Saturday, a spokeswoman for the mission said its public Web site was back up after a hacker managed to change the site's lead story overnight.
        • Cossiga's reaction is the lead story in the Italian press.
        • The Falklands crisis was front page news and the lead story for television in America every day.
        • With such a commotion going on in their town, the local paper seized the opportunity with a lead story on their website about what was happening.
        • 'We already attended the same church and lead the same youth group where we took people out for KFC and watched cricket together which has aligned itself with KFC-so it just became part of our story,' she said.
        • On the Performing Essence of "the Scout Playing the Lead in Singing a Story" Mode in Yuan is Poetic Drama
        • If this [ were] a Tea Party rally in front of Wall Street about Ben Bernanke ( chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the US) putting stimulus funds into it, that [ would be] the lead story on every network newscast.